Torque Pro (OBD 2 & Car) v1.8.32 [Paid] APK
See what your car is doing in realtime, get OBD fault codes, car performance, sensor data and more!
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Torque Pro (OBD 2 & Car)
Torque is a vehicle / car performance / diagnostics tool and scanner that uses an OBD II Bluetooth adapter to connect to your OBD2 engine management / ECU
Layout your own dashboard with the widgets / gauges you want!
It can use the GPS to provide tracker logs with OBD engine logging so you can see what you were doing at any point in time
It can also show and reset a DTC / CEL / fault code like a scantool. Helps you fix your car and helps keep repair costs down!
Torque also features:
* Dyno / Dynomometer and Horsepower/HP & Torque
App Screenshots :

Requires Android : 2.0 and up
What's New (Updated -November 15, 2016)
**Polite Note!**There are currently a lot of clone adapters circulating that are broken/not working on the CANBUS protocol - if your vehicle isn't working,check the adapter if it's a clone(it may work on older vehicles though)
* Tip: Turn on 'Faster Communications' in the settings!
* Updates to filtering for accelerometer based 'G' display
* Updates ready for new track recorder plugin
Download Size : 5.53 MB(APK)