ZArchiver v0.8.4 APK Free Download (Latest) for Android

ZArchiver APK format file is released for all android platforms and you can get the latest apk of app from this web page.  ZArchiver is recently released version for android phones which contain tons of features specified bellow. This app was industry leading management archives for android users.
ZArchiver APK allow it users to create compressed zip archives in some formats such as 7z (7zip), zip, bzip2 (bz2), gzip (gz), XZ, tar. When it come to decompress it more powerful and support more archives formats likes 7z (7zip), zip, rar, rar5, bzip2, gzip, XZ, iso, tar, arj, cab, lzh, lha, lzma, xar, tgz, tbz, Z, deb, rpm, zipx, mtz, chm, dmg, cpio, cramfs, img (fat, ntfs, ubf), wim, ecm, arc (freearc).
ZArchiver APK support password protected too. E.g. if you make a protected compressed RAR archive with WInRAR uinsg your PC, then it can be decompressed on your android phones and smart phones with the access of app. I am sure your never need any PC to decompressing protected archives because ZArchiver will gives result out of thinking.
For access of more and more zip management solution on your android device, you relay need ZArchiver APK app. Desirable result can offers you only on only this app because it have power to give you wonderful result as on your fancy.
With the help of ZArchiver APK you can decompression partial archives. For example you need some special from archives file, then result will gives only on this app. Main features this app is that through it your can decompress your needed files and  via it you can easily save your storages space as well as times.
Want to use zarchiver APK on tablets or android then move yourself from end of page; where free and safe download link will placed for downloading. Let get APK format file ZArchiver APK from link below and install it on devices right away from here.

File Details:

  • File Name: ZArchiver
  • Developer     Zdevs
  • Current Version: 0.8.4
  • Android Required: 4.0+
  • Licence: Free

Download Link:

ZArchiver ⇛Download

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